Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Piece of Cake

Diary Unknown di Selasa, Mei 06, 2014

Life is piece of a cake you always said

Life was wonderful, gorgeous, and full of sparks

Life is like a woman with black long hair and red lips

Life is you

Life is just like that,

Never lie, never stuck,

Always go, further and further,

Only black and white

No rainbow before rain, simple life

No gain without pain, what a cute fact

And life it’s just like that, piece of cake

To realize, to know it, to expect

You can be a winner

Nor you can be a loser,

You can be a king

Neither, you can be a beggar,

You can be big boss

Or just a simply employer,

Because life is piece of a cake

original date: 29042014

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